High-Resolution Road Weather for the Automotive Industry
Mercedes-Benz and Ventus are redefining range forecast with cutting-edge road weather models, currently focusing on the impact of wind.
Ventus Technologies achieves precise EV range estimations with advanced weather models. Ventus Technologies’s service enhances range forecast for EVs and autonomous driving through advanced road weather models.
Mercedes-Benz and Ventus integrated high-resolution wind forecasts into the Electric Vehicle (EV) range estimation, recognizing that wind can account for up to 20% of total battery consumption. Traditional weather models, with their rough resolution, fall short in accurately predicting near-surface winds.
The solution integrated advanced wind forecasting technology
with detailed topographical and vegetation data to refine near-surface wind predictions. This collaboration led to the development of a sophisticated
model that provides precise range estimations for EV drivers. The project was a collaborative effort of Mercedes-Benz’s R&D and Ventus’s meteorological team, overcoming challenges through iterative testing and data integration to ensure the model’s accuracy and reliability.
The project successfully delivered a solution that enhances wind forecasting accuracy by up to 50% and significantly enhances the EV range predictions. Mercedes-Benz uses range predictions in their customer-facing trip planning system to plan charging stops.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to Manfred Steiner (Mercedes-Benz) and Rafael Abel (Ventus Technologies).
Contact for the project
Tim Solle, Ventures Mobility
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